Atti del convegno
Agitators and Diplomats on the Prowl
Nancy Beiman
The Animated Tramp: Charlie Chaplin’s Influence on American Animation
John Bengtson
Hollywood’s Silent Echoes. A tour of silent‐era Hollywood Film Location
Ranjamrittika Bhowmik
The Eternal Tramp: Chaplin’s Imitation and Resonance in Raj Kapoor’s Cinema
Francis Bordat
How far is Chaplin the filmmaker at work in his early films, 1914-1917?
Ellen Cheshire
Making a Living
Milan Hain
Chaplin, The Little Tramp and Czechoslovakia
Christian Hayes
Charlie Chaplinitis: The Chaplin Boom in Britain, 1914-1915
Jim Lochner
The Tramp in Transition: The Musical Movements of City Lights
Abbey Lustgarten
Presenting Charlie Chaplin
Glenn Mitchell
The true farewell of The Tramp
Adolphe Nysenholc
Charlie’s silhouette and Chaplin’s narrative
Géraldine Rodrigues
Early Chaplin films in France: the discovery of Charlot
Noah Teichner
A Poet In Tramp’s Clothing: Surrealist Writers And Charlie Chaplin (1918-1953)