FIAF Summer School 2012

Selected Participants – FIAF Summer School 2012
There is no way to learn the craft of a film restorer other than by apprenticeship, as no class at university level would reach this goal. As a matter of fact, since 2007 Cineteca di Bologna – in collaboration with FIAF, ACE and UE MEDIA Plus Programme – has been promoting and hosting the FIAF Film Restoration Summer School, opening its highly specialized state-of-the-art laboratory, L’Immagine Ritrovata, which has been working in the film restoration industry for over 20 years.
The main purpose of this project is having selected participants experience hands-on the work of actual restoration professionals. They will also meet restoration experts from all over the world, as well as the Laboratory and Cineteca staff.
Next Film Restoration Summer School / FIAF Summer School will take place in Bologna in Summer 2012. The Film Restoration Summer School / FIAF Summer School 2012 is designed both for archivists and staff working at FIAF archives, and students. The aim is to foster a shared knowledge in the field for current and future generations and film archives worldwide.
The Film Restoration Summer School / FIAF Summer School 2012 is divided into three stages:
May 9th to June 20th (on Wednesdays)
Bologna, Il Cinema Ritrovato Film Festival,
June 23rd through 30th
Bologna, July 2nd through 13th
For further information:
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