PC Play Magazine

Elenco titoli

Editore:Gruppo Futura
Anno di stampa:1996
Mese di stampa:giugno
Note:La rivista contiene articoli sui seguenti giochi: Track Attack, Super Heroes, Star Trek: Generations, Magic The Gathering, 1943: European Air War, Schiratti Commander, Zombieville, Sentient, Dungeon Keeper, Quintessential Art of Destruction, Lighthouse, Red Baron 2, Rama,Synnergist, Rayman, The Vampire Diaries, MDK, Flying Corps, Supersonic Racers, MegaRace 2, Mindwarp, Firefighters, Sensible World of Soccer, Actua Soccer, Fifa '96, Euro '96, Onside, Terracide, Mayhem, The Gene Machine, Afterlife, Fable (1996), Normality, Earthsiege 2: Skyforce, PGA European Tour, Zork Nemesis: The Forbidden Lands, Shakii the Wolf, Star Trek: Deep Space Nine - Harbinger, World Rally Fever, Azrael's Tear, Star Quest 1 in the 27th Century, Worms Reinforcements, Silent Thunder II, Chaos Overlords, The Rise & Rule of Ancient Empires, Jungle Book, TNN Bass Tournament '96, Chronicles of the Sword, Speed Haste, Prof. Tim's Incredible Machines, Fast Attack, Dossier Grosso Calibro (Armi da fuoco) p.19

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