PC Play Magazine

Elenco titoli

Editore:Gruppo Futura
Anno di stampa:1996
Mese di stampa:aprile
Note:La rivista contiene articoli sui seguenti giochi: Descent II, Virtual Snooker, Command & Conquer, 3d-vrc Pinball, Manic Karts, Terra Nova, Time Commando, Rise 2: Resurrection, Descent 2, Megarace 2, Syndacate Wars, Civilization 2, Little Big Adventure 2, Dark Forces 2, Worms 2, Cyberia 2, Earthsiege 2 Skyforce, F1 Grand Prix 2, Deadline, Pinball Construction kit, Into the Void, Star Trek deep Space 9, Congo: The Movie Descent To Zinj, Wing Commander IV, Comix Zone, Warhammer Shadow of the Horned Rat, Nba Live '96, Psychic Detective, Angel Devoid, Gran Prix Manager, Ecco The Dolphin, WWF Wrestlemania, Conqueror ad1086, This Means War!, Casino De Luxe, Virtual Corporation, Football Pro '96, The Dark Eye, Dust, Supreme Warrior, Night Trap.

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