PC Gamer

Elenco titoli

Editore:Imagine Publications
Anno di stampa:1998
Mese di stampa:giugno
Note:La rivista contiene articoli sui seguenti giochi: You Don't Know Jack: The Netshow, Net War, Acrophobia, Warbirds 2.0, Tanarus, Chessmaster Live, Subspace, Fighter Legends: Europe 1944, Requiem: Wrath of the Fallen, X-COM Interceptor, Starcraft, Armor Command, Balls of Steel, Battle Arena Toshinden 2, Burnout, Croc: Legend of the Gobbos, Die By the Sword, Fighting Force, Formula 1 97, The Golf Pro, Lula: The Sexy Empire, M1 Tank Platoon II, Motorhead, Nahan: The Ultimate 3D Puzzle Game, Pod Gold, Powerboat Racing, Semper Fi, Scudetto 97/98, Star Wars: Rebellion, Subspace, Tex Murphy: Overseer.

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