N64 Magazine

Elenco titoli

Editore:Play Press Publishing
Anno di stampa:1999
Mese di stampa:gennaio
Note:La rivista contiene articoli sui seguenti giochi: The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time, Hybrid Heaven, Quest 2, NomenQuest, Legend of the River King, Paper Mario, Earthbound 64, Ogre Battle 3, Fire Emblem 64, Mysterious Dungeon 64, Harvest Moon 64, Desert Island, Shadowgate 64, Star Wars Rogue Squadron, Silicon Valley, F-Zero X, Extreme G-2, Virtual Pool, Deadly Arts, Wipeout 64, Body Harvest, NHL 99, Nba Live 99, Rush Extreme Racing USA 2, Twisted Edge, WCW Nwo Revenge, Glover, Scars, WCW Nitro 64, ODT, South Park, Quake 2, Duke Nukem Zero Hour, Superman, Shadowman, Nightmare Creatures, Turok 2, Revolt, Jet Force Gemini, GT World Tour, Caesar's Palace, Top Gear Overdrive, Fighting Force, Winback, Battletanx, Roadsters 99, Vigilante 8, Hype: The Time Quest, Castlevania, Perfect Dark, Starshot, V-Rally, Starcraft, Gauntlet Legends, Fifa 99, Lode Runner 64, Rayman 2, Tonic Trouble, Fox Sports College Hoops 99

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