Elenco titoli

Anno di stampa:1994
Mese di stampa:aprile
Note:La rivista contiene articoli sui seguenti giochi: ELSPA, intervista a Jez San, speciale Cryo, Discworld, Skeleton Krew, speciale Interplay, Evocation, intervista a Dedalomedia, speciale avventure grafiche, Red Ghost, Delta V, Club Football The Manager, Empire Soccer '94, Benefactor, Theme Park, Turbo Trax, Virus Alert, Spud Boy, Flying Circus, Overdrive, Ultima VIII: Pagan, Starlord, The Elder Scrolls: Arena, Heimdall: Into the Hall of Worlds, K240, Armour-Geddon 2, F-14: Fleet Defender, Seawolf, Breakline, Microcosm, Alien Breed, Donk, Super Putty, International Karate Plus, Sports Football, Cannon Fodder, Project-X, F17 Challenge, Megarace, Jump Raven, Kether, Dragonsphere, Battle Isle 2, NBA Jam, Alone in the Dark 2, Inca 2 Wiracocha, Star Trek 2: Judgment Rites.

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