Elenco titoli

Anno di stampa:1994
Mese di stampa:marzo
Note:La rivista contiene articoli sui seguenti giochi: Bio Forge, Werewolf, Total Carnage, Megamorph, Sierra’s World Cup Soccer ‘94, Crash Dummies, Leokadian, Zeewolf, Theatre Fodder, Ambermoon, Perihelion, Wizard!, Puggsy, Skidmarks, Brian the Lion, Nomad, Hero Quest II, In Extremis, Darkmere, Unnecessary Roughness, Genesia, The Classic Lotus Trilogy, Spectre Vr, Populous, Super Mario All Stars, Archon Ultra, Air Force Commander, Fly Harder, Troddlers, Gettysburg, Micro Machines, Seek & Destroy, Naughty Ones, The Lawnmower Man, Conspiracy, The Patrician, Quantum Gate, Voyeur, Gateway II – Homeworld, Challenge Pack, TFX, Destination: Mars!, The Virtual Murder Mystery Series, Gabriel Knight: Sins of the Fathers, Lands of Lore, Star Trek 2: Judgement Rites.

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