Elenco titoli

Anno di stampa:1994
Mese di stampa:febbraio
Note:La rivista contiene articoli sui seguenti giochi: Perpetual Craze, USA Racing, Detroit, Breach 3, Out to Lunch, Superfrog, Alone in the Dark 2, Critical Path, Kronolog: The Nazi Paradox, Second Samurai, Bloodnet, Starship, Bubba ‘n Stix, Daemons Gate, Isle of the Dead, Merchant Prince, Total Eclipse, Quest for Glory IV: Shadows of Darkness, Microcosm, Campaign II, Escape from Monster Manor, Dragon’s Lair, Hornet Naval Strike Fighter, Deliverance, Seek and Destroy, Star Trek 25th Anniversary, Dark Seed, The Red Crystal, The Labyrinth of Time, Pirates! Gold, Sim City 2000, 8 Ball Deluxe, Microsoft Arcade, The Legend of Zelda: Link’s Awakening, Inca II, Oceans Below, Lands of Lore, Mortal Kombat, Sam & Max: Hit the Road.

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