Elenco titoli

Anno di stampa:1993
Mese di stampa:settembre
Note:La rivista contiene articoli sui seguenti giochi: Jurassic Park, Beneath a Steel Sky, IndyCar Racing, Flight Simulator: Construction Kit, Mario's Time Machine, Space Shuttle, Wing Commander: The Secret Missions, Rise of the Robots, Brutal Sports Football, TFX, Tornado, Blue Force, Hell Cab, Warlords, Return of the Phantom, Space Hulk, Rags to Riches, Whale's Voyage, Blades of Destiny, Fields of Glory, Syndicate, Ambush at Sorinor, Pinball Dreams, Monopoly, Project X: Classic Edition, Sim Life, Imperia Pursuit, Spot and the Quest for Cool, Top Rank Tennis, Ultima VII, Space Quest V.

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