Elenco titoli

Anno di stampa:1993
Mese di stampa:febbraio
Note:La rivista contiene articoli sui seguenti giochi: Body Blows, Ambermoon, Combat Air Patrol, Sleepwalker, Creepers, Ultrabots, Veil of Darkness, The 7th Guest, Betrayal at Krondor, Dracula, Prime Mover, Innocent Until Caught, Super Hero, Beneath a Steel Sky, Simulman, Stunt Island, Zool, A-Train, Ultima Underworld 2: Labirynth of Worlds, Lionheart, Car and Driver, Harrier Jump Jet, Alien 3, Batman Returns, Nick Faldo's Golf, Pacific War, Sabre Team, Space Quest V: Roger Wilco in the Next Mutation, Prey: An Alien Encounter, Best of the Best, Moonstone, Nicky Boom, Trolls, Lemmings, Super Mario Land 2, World of Illusion, Sherlock Holmes, King's Quest VI.

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