Elenco titoli

Anno di stampa:1992
Mese di stampa:ottobre
Note:La rivista contiene articoli sui seguenti giochi: The Chaos Engine, Nippon Safes Inc., The First Samurai, Tempest, Silly Putty, Darklands, The Aquatic Games starring James Pond and the Aquabats, Theatre of War, Lotus 3: The Ultimate Challenge, 3D World Boxing, Red Zone, Curse of Enchantia, Rome A.D. 92, The Legend of Kyrandia, Ishar Legend of the Fortress, Zool, John Madden Football 2, Vikings Field of Conquest, KGB, Troddlers, Borderzone, Bureaucracy, Plundered Hearts, Hollywood Hijinx, Seastalker, Cutthroats, Sherlock and the Riddle of the Crown Jewels, Nord & Bert Couldn't Make Head or Tail of It, Trinity, Wishbringer, A Mind Forever Voyaging, Premiere, Sisthema 2, The Games Espana '92, Harpoon Designer's Edition, Nova 9, Jimmy White Whirlwind Snooker, Space Shuttle The Simulator, Birds of Prey, Carriers at War, Doodle Bug, Locomotion, Millennium, Sword of Honour, Match of the Day, Ultima VII, Eye of the Beholder II: Temple of Darkmoon.

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