Elenco titoli

Anno di stampa:1992
Mese di stampa:aprile
Note:La rivista contiene articoli sui seguenti giochi: Sensible Soccer, Race Drivin', The Addams Family, Jaguar XJ220, Project X, Titus The Fox, B-17 Flying Fortress, The Manager, The Two Towers, Hot Rubber Hostile Breed, Blue Boy, Bob, Dark Seed, Star Trek: The 25th Anniversary, SimAnt, Parasol Stars, Ultima Underworld: The Stygian Abyss, Twilight 2000, Top Wrestling, Hyperspeed, Bush Buck, Crazy Seasons, Ultima VI, Town with No Name, Indy Heat, Bit in the Magic Castle, Castles, Fort Apache, Gobliins, Harpoon, Heroquest, Holo Squash, Magic Candle II, Ork, Pinball Dreams, Simpsons, Superski 2, Psyborg, Crimecity, Retee!, World Class Leaderboard Golf, Ninja Gaiden, Robotron 2084, S.T.U.N. Runner, Eye of the Beholder, Another World, Fascination, Conquest of the Longbow: Robin Hood.

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