Elenco titoli

Anno di stampa:1992
Mese di stampa:febbraio
Note:La rivista contiene articoli sui seguenti giochi: The 7th Guest, Diabolik, speciale storia dei videogiochi, Die Hard 2, Guy Spy, Darklands, Aces of the Pacific, Space Crusade, Bat 2, Bodycount, Falcon 3, Monkey Island 2: LeChuck's Revenge, The Godfather, John Madden Football, Elvira 2: Jaws of Cerberus, Knightmare, The Games: Winter Challenge, Birds of Prey, Dylan Dog, Clik-Clak, Golden Eagle, Fascination, Gobliiins, European Space Simulator Mega, The Hound of Baskervilles, Leisure Suit Larry 5, Kid Gloves II, Killerball, Red Baron, Fighter Command, Falcon, Xenon, Lemmings, Psycho Killer, Bard's Tale: Construction Kit, Barbarian II, Conan: The Cimmerian, Powermonger, King's Quest V, Realms, Super R-Type, Marvel Land, Mega Lo Mania.

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