Elenco titoli

Anno di stampa:1991
Mese di stampa:dicembre
Note:La rivista contiene articoli sui seguenti giochi: Terminator 2, Dune, Wolfchild, Suspicious Cargo, Turbo Charge, Corporation, Chuck Rock, Under Pressure, Indy Heat, Shadowlands, Myth, Civilization, Heimdall, The Secret Weapons of the Luftwaffe, Leisure Suit Larry 5, Robocod, Mad TV, 1000 Miglia, Robocop 3, Willy Beamish, Alien Breed, Champion Driver, Action Stations!, Amnios, Captain Planet, 4D Sports Boxing, Last Battle, Nebulus II, Out Run Europa, Rise of the Dragon, Rugby: The World Cup, Shadow Sorcerer, Space Quest I, Starflight 2, Terminator II, Time Horn, Italian Night, Big Business, Super Space Invaders, Strike Fleet, Frogger.

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