Elenco titoli

Anno di stampa:1991
Mese di stampa:settembre
Note:La rivista contiene articoli sui seguenti giochi: Strike Commander, Ultima: Runes of Virtue, B.O.T.S., The Resurrected, Fantasia, Eye of the Storm, Escape from Cyber City, Their Finest Missions: The Battle of Britain, Super R-Type, Phalanx, Leisure Suit Larry 5, Terminator 2, Flag, Out Run Europa, Dribbling, Sonic the Hedgehog, Armour Geddon, Chuck Yeager's Air Combat, Martian Dreams, 1000 Miglia, Mega-Lo-Mania, Prehistorik, Manchester United Europe, F-14 Tomcat, Mario Andretti's Racing Challenge, Metal Mutant, Moonbase, Spot, F15 Strike Eagle II, Champion of the Raj, Frenetic, Dragon Fighter, Castle of Illusion, Super Golf, NBA All-Star Challenge, Aero Blasters, Supercars 2, Drakkhen.

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