Game Power

Elenco titoli

Editore:Studio Vit
Anno di stampa:1992
Mese di stampa:dicembre
Note:La rivista contiene articoli sui seguenti giochi: Lemmings, Robin Hood: Prince of Thieves, Rodland, Super C, Wizard & Warriors III, Rayxamber III, The Magical Quest, Sim City, Parodius, Wings II: Aces High, All Star Challenge 2, Super Mario Land 2, Back to the Future 3, Galahad, Gods, LHX Attack Chopper, Wonder Dog, Chuck Rock, Switchblade II, Striker, Nigel Mansell GP, Might & Magic II, Rushing Beat 2, Death Valley Rally, Fist of the North Star 6, Q-Bert 3, F1 Exhalust Heat 2, World of Illusion, Young Indiana Jones Chronicles, Time Gal, Mega Man 5, Switchblade 2, Mickey Mouse 2, Joe & Mac, Dr. Franken, BC Kid, The Blues Brothers, NFL MVP Football, Hunt for Red October, Cosmo Gang, David Crane's Amazing Tennis, Jimmy Connors Tennis, NBA Basketball, Burger Time Deluxe, NBA 2 All Star Challenge, F-Zero, Fantasia, Faceball 2000.

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