
Elenco titoli

Editore:Future Publishing
Anno di stampa:2016
Mese di stampa:aprile
Note:La rivista contiene articoli sui seguenti giochi: Quantum Break, Paragon, Knights & Bikes, The Solus Project, Unbox, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Mutants in Manhattan, Street Fighter V, Far Cry Primal, The Flame in the Flood, Unravel, Assassin's Creed Chronicles, The Town of Light, Dying Light: The Following, Layers of Fear, Bravely Second: End Layer, American Truck Simulator, Monument Valley, Dead By Daylight, Jalopy, Tekken 7, Xenonauts 2, Detective Pikachu: Birth of a New Duo, Dark Souls III, Elite Dangerous, Resident Evil 4.

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